
Spiderman vs Molten Man – Behind The Scenes

As you may have guessed, I’m pretty excited to see the new Spiderman: Far From Home film. I got the Lego Molten Man set and couldn’t resist creating a shot.

The Set Up

Set Up

As you can see above, I set my scene up in the garden. I used the sanctum sanctorum because I wanted a lego building in the background and I knew it wouldn’t stand out as the sanctum. I posed molten man first then put Spiderman into the scene. To get his web in the right position I used a fairground ticket building. If you look closely, you’ll notice Batman is hanging off the building. This was from a previous shot and fortunately, it didn’t affect this shot due to the camera angle I used. I didn’t notice him until after so I was pretty lucky with that one.

I took a few shots from a few different angles and eventually decided on this one to edit.



My first task was to add a colour dodge layer and highlight molten man’s fire effect and spiderman’s eyes. I knew I’d want to make them stand out and Moltenman would need to glow – as he does in the comics and the film’s trailer.


With the main characters done I added a brightness adjustment layer to reduce the exposure of the shot. The colour dodge still made the characters stand out as I’d intended but reduced everything else to make them stand out from the background.

I used a new layer and the colour picker to paint in the orange glow. I actually used a few different colours and set it to the overlay blend mode to create the effect I was looking for.


The last stage was to add in some effects. In particular, some sparks and some dust. In both cases I duplicated the layers to made them stand out a bit more and really finish off the image.


This was a pretty quick edit but I’m really happy with how it turned out. I hope you like it too. Please let me know what you think.


Hi, I'm Finn and I love lego. I love it so much I created a website to tell the stories of my life in lego.