Marvel Super Heroes – Finn’s Bricks A Life in Lego Fri, 27 Sep 2019 10:37:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Hydro Man Attack Review Fri, 27 Sep 2019 10:37:27 +0000 Spiderman Far From Home was a fantastic film. As you know, I already have the Molten Man set but the film inspired me to get the Hydro Man set as well. (Lego Set 76129).

I have to say upfront, I’m really glad I got it. Let’s find out why.

The Build

The set comprises 471 pieces that form a Venice scene from the film. There is a cafe, a bridge and a gondola – you can’t get more “Venice” than that. There is also a buildable base for Hydro Man.

It’s a relatively quick build but also good fun – although I’ll grant you most builds are fun.

The Gondola


The Gondola is a quick build and has enough space for both Peter and MJ to take a romantic trip. THere’s not much more to say but this is a fun play part of the set.


The Cafe


The cafe is a big part of the final build.

As you can see there is a tower with an outdoor garden terrace. There is also lots of attachments which are ideal for Spiderman so were a nice touch for this set in particular.

There is a small indoor area that has a coffee machine. I loved the coffee machine but my only disappointment with this set is there is really no space inside the cafe. As much as I like the coffee machine – because everyone likes coffee – it’s more just for display purposes as you can’t get a mini figure in that small area.


Back outside there is a table and it’s here we get our first play feature. Push the button and the table explodes. It’s possible to explode a minifigure into the canal – but it’s not that easy and quite often nothing happens unless you press so hard the whole set moves. Don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t detract from the fun of it but as the adult I wouldn’t have minded it working a little better.


Overall I like the cafe area. It’s a great backdrop for photography too.


The Bridge

Being set in Venice the bridge is an iconic part of this build and I think it’s well executed.


As you can see, it’s a very ornate bridge with spiderwebs and attachment points for mini-figures. There are steps on either side and at the top, an exploding platform. This is also fun and works better than the cafe.

Underneath the bridge to the left is a small sewer. Included we have a rat, a slice of pizza and a gem – but I’ll leave that so I don’t spoil the film. THere’s not much play here but I liked the touch.


Overall I also like the bridge. It’s iconic and a great backdrop as well as having good play features for younger kids to use their imagination.


The Mini-Figures

As always, one of the most important parts of any lego set are the mini-figures. Here we get four figures – all major characters in the film.

Peter Parker / Spiderman


One of the main draws of this set for me was the Peter Parker mini-figure. He’s clearly Spiderman as you can see from the suit under his shirt, but we get him in normal clothes. He has to faces which is great for play and has a hair piece and mask. Only his torso is printed but he’s a welcome addition to my collection.

Peter also come with a couple of web accessories.



MJ is another welcome addition to my collection. She is also only torso printed and comes with long hair. I particularly liked that the long hair didn’t stop he using the set (as often long hair pieces do) and she’s still able to sit on the chair in the cafe.



Mysterio is the same as the Molten Man set but I still really like the figure. He comes with his energy blasts that you can shoot out of his hands.

Hydro Man


Hydro Man is the title character of this set and he’s pretty good too. I particularly like his sadistic smile and he’s a great baddie to do battle with.


Overall, this is a fun set. It has four major characters and some good play features. The set is a great background and Finn and I have enjoyed playing with it. I’d recommend it to Spiderman fans and I’m looking forward to getting some shots with it.

This is an affiliate link. If you’ve enjoyed this article, are thinking of getting this set and use this link I will receive a small commission – at no extra cost to you – which will help with the running costs of this site. And I’ll really appreciate your support. So thank you.

What do you think of it?

Thor Lego God Of Thunder Tue, 27 Aug 2019 19:27:04 +0000 A Sunday morning to myself, a lego Thor mini-figure, oo what fun you can have. Let’s jump straight in.


I used a fairly simple set up. Thor was posed as if jumping, arms spread holding his hammer. The background was my iPad and I used the bluetac package to get a better angle of him jumping into action. After a few shots and different angles I decided to use this image to edit.


Stage one was to clean up. I tried to use content aware removal on the stand but it did a terrible job so I had to use the clone stamp tool. The blue tac on his arm was also removed with the clone stamp tool.


Stage 2 was to add in the affects. I started by placing lightning on his eyes, chest and hammer. I found I could get a better affect by placing multiple lightning images and using the transform tools to mould it to each area.

I also wanted to add a glow to his chest and eyes. To do it I used a colour dodge layer and painted white then added outer glow on the layer style. I liked the effect, especially supported by the lightning.


To finish the affects I added some lightning from his left hand to the edge of the image. This took quite a bit of playing with the distort transform tool to get it how I envisioned it. I find the distort tool in photoshop elements can be hard to use but I think I got there in the end.

My final touch in Photoshop was to add some sparks. I used the black foreground colour brush to remove unwanted and distracting sparks.


Lastly, back in Lightroom, I added some saturation and vibrance. Adjusted to tone curve and added some vignette.

Overall I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. I hope you like it too.

Molten Man Battle Review Tue, 07 May 2019 07:51:22 +0000 Lego Set 76128 Spider-Man Molten Man Battle Set is from the new film: Spiderman Far From Home. I’ll admit to be quite excited about this film so I ended up getting this set.


One of the reason I chose this set was the mini-figures. Indeed, the whole set is characters from the movie – one is just a lot bigger than a mini-figure.


Lego Stealth Spiderman

This is a new mini-figure of Spiderman and his stealth suit. I’m not sure what role it will play in the film but I do like the look of it.

As is customary with Spiderman sets it comes with a range of accessories. Lots of different webs means lot of options for play and for posing.



Lego Mysterio

Now it may be my bad memory but I also remember Mysterio as a bad guy. However, the trailers for the new film seem to suggest he’s actually a good guy. Perhaps my memory is failing, or maybe there is a twist in store.

All that being said, I’m really glad to add this mini-figure to my collection. He is as I remember him, complete with his dome and cape. He also comes with two power blasters which can be shot at Molten Man or anyone else in the way.

I’m looking forward to using him in some photography and he’s also a great good/bad guy to play with.


Lego Firefighter

This set also includes a firefighter – which makes sense in context of Molten Man. However, it does feel a little strange having a “normal” mini-figure in a superhero set. That aside, he’s a good figure and has a fire extinguisher – which I’ve never seen before made from a gun part.

Molten Man

The main build is fairly quick but was quite good fun. There are two bags to keep it simple and it does incorporate stickers for some of the molten parts.

Lego Molten Man Battle

One arm has a hand that is capable of gripping and holding objects. It has not problem with holding mini-figures.

The other arm has a canon with a 6 stud shooter. They actually shot quite a long way so it’s fortunate you get 12 studs in the set.

I really like the “molten” effects all over the figure. There are bits of street light, street signs and a car attached to the figure. There is also “lava” dripping off him. All of this creates a good effect and is everything I hoped for from he set.

However, I found that the figure is not very stable during play. It’s easy to pose but as soon as you re-enact a battle the figure falls over and it can get quite annoying.


I’d recommend this set to you for the Mini-Figures and if you’re planning on using it for display purposes. However, if you’re hoping to be able to play a bit more with it, then maybe not. I guess it depends what you want to do with it.

This is an affiliate link. If you’ve enjoyed this article, are thinking of getting this set and use this link I will receive a small commission – at no extra cost to you – which will help with the running costs of this site. And I’ll really appreciate your support. So thank you.

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Avengers Sanctum Sanctorum Showdown Review Wed, 01 May 2019 09:40:10 +0000 The Marvel Avengers Sanctum Sanctorum Showdown Lego set 76108 is one I’ve had for a while. If you’ve been reading my blog you’ll know I’ve used the mini-figures on multiple occasions including Dr Strange and his magic shields, Iron Spiderman and Doctor Strange and his portal. I’ve also posted pictures of ebony maw and cull obsidian on instagram so clearly I like this set a lot. And so it’s time for me to do a review.

I’ll say right off the bat that I like this set. The Mini-Figures are great and the building itself is really good with quite a few play features. Let’s dive in to find out more.

The Mini-Figures

A highlights for me was the mini-figures included with this set. We get three avengers – Doctor Strange, Ironman and Iron Spiderman. We also get two baddies in Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian. I’ll admit I wasn’t familiar with these two until the Infinity Wars film but the heroes were all favourites of mine when I was younger.

Doctor Strange

Lego Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange protector of the sanctum is printed body and legs. He has cloth to make his Cloak of Levitation and looks pretty good. He comes with a range of “magical” accessories – see below.


Lego Ironman

Ironman is also printed on the body and legs and has his iconic mask. It opens to reveal Tony Starks face which is also two sided. Ironman also comes with a range of accessories – the same as Doctor Strange but in blue.

Iron Spiderman

Lego Iron Spiderman

Iron Spiderman is printed body and legs with the new suit given to him by Ironman in the film. I loved this suit in the film and it looks good in mini-figure form. Attached to Spiderman are the “Spider Legs” from the film and they’re a great addition. There are spider webs in the set and he also has two web shooters that can be shot as part of the play features.

Ebony Maw

Lego Ebony Maw

Ebony Maw is quite well recreated I think. He also has shooters but as far as I can remember he never used these in the film. His power was more invisible. That being said, it is fun to be able to try and shot things so I’ll overlook the inaccuracy.

Cull Obsidian

Lego Cull Obsidian

Cull Obsidian is a big figure – as in the film. He comes with two brick built hammers joined by a chain. Not how I remember the film. The chain itself is a little long and does get in the way a little during play. You keep having to adjust it. My solution was to just remove the chain and that solved the problem, and made it more accurate.



As you can see there are a lot of accessories. The Doctor Strange and Ironman accessories are the same but in different colours. Spiderman and Ebony Maw also have the same thing but in different colours. They are all good to have to create scenes from the movie or your own ideas.

Sanctum Sanctorum Build

Lego Sanctum Sanctorum

The set comes with 8 numbered bags. It’s a pretty fun build with lots of variety as you build each distinct part of the building. Finn enjoyed himself and was able to follow the instructions without too much difficulty.

The complete build is two 3 storey tower blocks connected with a hinge. You can put it together to make it look like part of a city street or close it up – or anything in between. The open back gives access to all the rooms and play features.

On one side we have the Sanctum Sanctorum as seen in Avengers Infinity Wars. This is the main reason for this set in my opinion and it looks great. On the other side we have a New York city block with a pizzeria on the ground floor and apartments above. There are fire escape ladders on the outside and a water tower on the top. There is a spiderweb so Spiderman can swing into action and the water tower can be wound up to get the web back up.

The Sanctum

The Sanctum has the distinctive slope and window that makes it unmistakable. This is definitely my favourite side of the building and the one I’ve used the most for photography.

Lego Sanctum Sanctorum Level 1

Through the main door, on level one, we have stairs leading down to a very comfortable looking armchair. There is a lamp, an axe and a sword for decoration. I like this section but it is only 5 studs deep so there isn’t much space for mini-figures.

Lego Sanctum Sanctorum Level 2

Moving up to level 2 there is a bookshelf, a chest with weapons in and some sanctum documents. We’re down to 4 studs at this level so even less space to play. There is also a sticker for a shelf and picture.

Lego Sanctum Sanctorum Bookshelf

The bookshelf looks good and hides our first play feature.

Turn the lever and the wall comes off to reveal the time infinity stone you get with this set.

Lego Infinity Stone

The falling wall is good fun and Finn really enjoyed it. It’s easy to put back on and is played with a lot since we got this set.

Lego Sanctum Sanctorum Level 3

Moving up to level 3, and my favourite room in this set, we have Doctor Stranges’ office with the distinctive sanctum window. There is a desk in the middle with lots of paperwork and a candle burning. To each side is a book shelf.

While I really like this room because of the film it only has two studs to pose mini-figures. That is my biggest complaint with this set. That really isn’t enough space to really do anything play wise. That being said, for photography it did provide the backdrop for one of my favourite Doctor Strange shots.

Lego Doctor Strange

Overall I like the sanctum side, I just wish it was slightly bigger so more could be done with the mini-figures.

City Tower Block

Pepe’s Pizza

At the bottom of the tower block we have a recreation of Pepe’s Pizza. I believe this appeared more in Spiderman Homecoming and not infinity wars so I’m not sure why it is in this set. However, as part of the look and feel of the New York city block is works well.

Lego Pepes Pizza

The exterior is glass fronted with stickers for the logo and open sign. There is also the street name and you’ll notice a lever at the bottom. Push the lever and off comes the glass front. Another fun play feature.

Lego Pepes Pizza Door Explosion

Again it’s easy to put back on so you can keep blowing up the pizzeria.

Outside Pepes Pizza

Outside of Pepe’s Pizza is what represents an alleyway. There is a bin, so pizza not in the bin, and a newspaper box. There is also a web where spiderman has left his phone. Hopefully no one will find it and discover his secret identity.

Moving inside there is an entrance with a till, a pizza and a fire extinguisher. On the wall is a sticker for the menu. The door opens early and there are 5 studs for posing mini-figures.

Pepes Entrance

Moving over there is a pizza oven and some pizza kitchen accessories.

Pepes Pizza Oven

This level is great for celebrating victory by going for pizza and i can confirm Ironman, Spiderman and Doctor Strange do that a lot – although possibly not in the film.

Peter Parker’s Apartment

Moving up we get to Peter Parker’s apartment. Again, this didn’t appear in Infinity Wars but it is nice to have and there are some good play features that we’ll get to.

Peter Parkers Office

On the second level we have an office with a desk and sewing machine. I assume this is where he fixes his costume. There isn’t much space (3 studs) to work with but it does look quite good.

Peter Parkers Storage Room

Next door is a storage room with some boxes of Pete’s stuff and a letter. This one is pretty bare and again doesn’t provide much space for mini-figures so it doesn’t really get played with much in our house.

Moving up to the third level we get to Peter Parker’s bedroom.

Peter Parkers Bedroom

Peter Parker’s bed looks good and comes complete with an uneaten slice of pizza. Moving over there is an empty room with a trap door.

Peter Parkers Trapdoor

I’m not sure what the relevance is to Infinity Wars – or even any Spiderman film – but you can’t go wrong with a trap door when it comes to play. Anytime Ebony Maw gets into the apartment, bam, he goes down the trapdoor. It’s fun but a little strange having a trapdoor in an apartment building.

Probably the best play feature of Peter Parker’s apartment is the exploding window on the outside.

Peter Parkers Trapdoor

To operate the window you pull the spiderweb forward and out it pops. As with the other exploding elements it’s easy to put back in. On reflection this may have been intended for Spiderman to leave his apartment and swing into action. We have always used it as part of the battle. Either ways it’s been good fun and provided lots of laughs.


Overall this has been a really fun set to play with and my inner superhero geek has really enjoyed adding the mini-figures to my collection. I’d recommend it to fans of the Marvel universe especially. It’s also good just as a building and I’ve used it a few times for photography backgrounds and general city play with Finn. The interior is a bit small for play but that’s made up for with the various play features on the outside. Battling with the characters is probably the main draw.

I should also say, it was a fun build so there are lots of reason to get this set.

This is an affiliate link. If you’ve enjoyed this article, are thinking of getting this set and use this link I will receive a small commission – at no extra cost to you – which will help with the running costs of this site. And I’ll really appreciate your support. So thank you.

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Black Panther Rhino Face Off Review Fri, 01 Mar 2019 06:31:20 +0000 The Oscar winning Black Panther was a great film for a great character. But does the Rhino Face Off By The Mines Lego Set 76099 live up to it? Let’s find out.

Mini Figures

One of the main draws about the Marvel Super Hero Lego Sets is the mini-figures. And this set doesn’t disappoint. We get Black Panther, Killmonger and Okoye. Three major mini-figures in one set at this price point feels pretty good to me.

Black Panther has great markings on the face and body but unfortunately nothing on the legs. It’s not a massive problem but it would have been nice to have his boots and claws. His “ears” are as well executed as possible for a circular head set so no complaints there.

Black Panther Lego

The Killmonger mini-figure is, in my opinion, better. The markings stand out more although he doesn’t have leg markings either. As you an see he looks a bit more vibrant. Whichever you prefer, they’re both great additions to my marvel superhero collection.

Killmonger Lego

Lastly we have Okoye. She is fairly well executed and comes with a spear. Here she is riding into battle.

Okoye Lego

The mini figure selection in this set is great. Particularly the two main characters from the film. It’s almost worth it just for that reason.

The Mine

The mine is a fairly straight forward and quick build. (That is to be expected for a set at this price point). We get a short section of track with an “exploding” function on one end. Unfortunately, the exploding feature doesn’t actually knock the mining cart off particularly well so that isn’t a great play feature. The track is also very short which is slightly disappointing and limits playing with this part of the set.

Black Panther Mine Lego

The mining car is fairly well built and you can tip the vibranium out. That would probably be more fun if the track was slightly longer.

Overall, this part of the set is what we have played with the least. I think it is probably best as a back drop but not much fun to play with.

The Rhino

As the name of the set would suggest, the Rhino is a big feature of it. And indeed this is where it gets more interesting.

Black Panther Rhino Lego

It was pretty fun to build and turns out very sturdy – as you’d expect from a Rhino.There are stickers for the armour and it’s simple enough for younger children to build. The legs all move although not a lot. Again, I guess that is how you’d expect a Rhino to move. In fact, using the Rhino to knock over the mining car is more fun than the exploding track you’re supposed to use.

One of my favourite things about the Rhino is it’s head which was fun to build and looks great. It has armour, ears, horns and articulates. What’s not to like.

Black Panther Rhino Head Lego

As you can see above there is a seat for Okoye (or anyone else) to ride into battle and she has two blasters to help defeat any foes.

Black Panther Rhino Stud Shooters Lego

The Rhino is a good part of this set. It’s sturdy, has shooters, and lots of play potential.


Overall this set is ok. The main draw for me is the mini-figures and it’s a little let down by the mining section. The Rhino is good. I think it’d only get this when it is slightly discounted and then only really if you want the characters. It’s probably not my favourite marvel super hero set.

This is an affiliate link. If you’ve enjoyed this article, are thinking of getting this set and use this link I will receive a small commission – at no extra cost to you – which will help with the running costs of this site. And I’ll really appreciate your support. So thank you.

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Spider Man Car Chase Review Sat, 23 Feb 2019 07:43:23 +0000 The Spiderman Car Chase set 76133 is aimed at younger children aged 4+ and, to be absolutely honest, isn’t one I would have bought – except that it was a present for Finn’s birthday. However, having had the set I can see that actually it’s a great idea from lego to have a simpler set that younger children can bridge from duplo into the smaller pieces of the standard lego sets.

The set consists of Spiderman and the Green Goblin mini figures. There is a Green Goblin glider and a Spiderman toy car. Now, as a fan of Spiderman I don’t remember there being any cars he drove. But, Finn really likes building a lego car so he got a lot from this set. And that was the eye opener for me with regards to the younger age group lego sets.

The Car

Spiderman's Car

The car has a very simple construction with big pieces. It was however, very enjoyable to watch Finn do it unassisted and he has played with it – a lot. It has an afterburner which younger children will love to play with and it’s very open so it’s easy to get the mini figures in and out. The importance of this can’t be overstated. Other than that it looks good and is popular to play with.

The front is modelled on Spiderman’s costume. It’s printed so there are no stickers to be applied.

Spiderman's Car Front View

The Mini-Figures

The best part of the set for me is the mini-figures. Spiderman and Green Goblin are classic’s from my childhood so it’s great to be able to add them to my collection. Spiderman is the classic friendly neighbour variety and the Goblin is well done indeed. Printed on his body and legs there is a lot to like about the details on this one.

Here they are having a night-time duel.

Spiderman and Green Goblin

As you can see the Green Goblin has a pretty decent yet simple glider. He has a pumpkin bomb and has managed to steal money from a lego bank.

Spiderman is able to give chase with his web – provided in the set. There is also a bigger web that can attach to the string. In play we used that to catch the Goblin.

The Spiderman figure is a great addition as he is an iconic marvel character. He’s even made it into our Ninjago play with the Temple of the Ultimate Ultimate Weapon, as you can see.

Spiderman Temple of the Ultimate Weapon Ninjago


Overall, this is probably not a set if you’re getting it for older children. The main attraction for older kids will be the mini-figures if they are particularly into Spiderman and the Green Goblin. However, I can see the appeal for younger children and give the low price point it’s actually a good buy. There is a lot of satisfaction to be had from building it themselves and a lot of play value to be had from a car toy and two great mini-figures. On that basis I’d have to recommend it. If I’m being honest I’ve also enjoyed the photographing the figures so maybe it is also a good buy for adult fans who like to take photographs of their lego. I’d love to hear what you think of this set and where you stand on the younger lego age ranges.

This is an affiliate link. If you’ve enjoyed this article, are thinking of getting this set and use this link I will receive a small commission – at no extra cost to you – which will help with the running costs of this site. And I’ll really appreciate your support. So thank you.

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Thor’s Weapon Quest Review Mon, 11 Feb 2019 23:45:32 +0000 Marvel Lego set 76102 recreates the scene of Thor’s Weapon Quest. Mjolnir has been destroyed and Thor needs a new Thanos killing hammer. If you’ve seen the film you’ll know that Thor met up with the Guardians of the Galaxy, took their escape pod (included in this set) and set off the Rocket and Groot to get a new weapon. One capable of taking the fight to Thanos. Fans of the film will appreciate the gravity of what happens on the weapons quest but what is this set like to play with?

While I’m a fan of the film, Finn is more interested in playing with the mini-figures and the space ship. To be fair, he hasn’t seen the film.


There are three mini-figures included in this set. We have Thor, Rocket and Groot. THey’re great figures and we’ve had a lot of fun playing with them. Predictably, Finn’s favourite character is Thor so he’s been played with the most.

Thor with Mjolnir

Thor is a great mini-figure. He comes complete with his new hammer. I wasn’t too keen on the new hammer – you can’t beat the original. It’s not bad though and does follow the film so I shouldn’t complain too much.

Next we have Rocket – everyone’s favourite racoon.

Rocket Guardians of the Galaxy

Rocket is another great character but this is a short mini-figure and I never like that their legs are too short and can’t bend. It makes it hard to use them, sit them in spaceships, or what ever else you plan on doing with them. The top part is good though and he is a good addition to the avengers crew. He has his gun but struggles to stay balanced with it in his hands because you can’t bend his legs. You’ll need to make sure to you connect him to a base piece so he doesn’t fall over. I get why they did it like this but I’m not keen.

The last character in the set is Groot.

Groot Lego Mini-Figure

Now Groot is a good character that I’m really pleased to have in my collection. Details on the body are good, as is his head. The only downside is the plain legs but on balance I still like this mini-figure.

Escape Pod

The escape pod was a fun build. And has some good details. It links to the Thanos Ultimate Battle Set. There is enough space to fit all three characters in and access at the front and back. The roof is also really easy to take off to get them in. There is a lack of controls for the pod but that doesn’t take away from the play value. Finn has really enjoyed playing with is. It has two blasters which are always fun to shoot at things. So what more could you ask for.

Blaster Escape Pod

This set also comes with the forge to make Thor’s new hammer.

The weapons forge looks great from the front. There is a sliding tray on the bottom and a spinning electric forge for making the weapon. The tray then delivers it.

Thor's Weapon Quest Forge

I must admit that although this is a good part of the set we haven’t really played with it that much. The back of the forge also has one of the infinity stones. This is great if you’re a fan of the film as is the significance of the forge.


Overall, I really enjoyed this set. Mainly for the mini-figures and the escape pod. Finn and I have spent hours flying it around and playing with Thor. We haven’t played much with Rocket but it’s good to have him as part of the collection.

It’s well worth adding this set to your collection, especially if you’re a fan of the film.

This is an affiliate link. If you’ve enjoyed this article, are thinking of getting this set and use this link I will receive a small commission – at no extra cost to you – which will help with the running costs of this site. And I’ll really appreciate your support. So thank you.

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Quantum Realm Explorers Tue, 05 Feb 2019 23:32:38 +0000 Ant-man and Wasp go into the quantum realm to battle ghost in lego set 76109.

This is a great little set including 3, yes all three of the main characters from the film. That is rare for a superhero set so it’s a major plus for this one.


Lego Antman Minifigure

One of my favourite parts of any lego set is the minifigures. Add to that how much I like superheroes and you’ll understand one of the reasons I like this set so much.

As you can see, the ant-man minifigure (above) is pretty detailed. The only slight problem is the helmet which isn’t quite like the film. Not that it took away from the play value of having ant-man in our collection.

The wasp mini figure is also pretty cool but only has detail on the body. The legs are just plain blue.

Next we have Ghost, who looks nice and sinister, and has blasters that can be shot – although not with any high degree of accuracy. It’s still a fun minifigure but Finn would have enjoyed it more if the blasters could be aimed and fired a little easier.

Lego Ghost Minifigure

The Quantum Realm Craft

Lego Quantum Realm Explorer

This craft is pretty unique and was really fun to build. There are some really great details. For starters, the two robotic arms bend at two points and have grips that can hold all sorts of things – lego of course – including Ant-man’s sonic blaster.

It also has two sonic blasters which are pretty good fun for shooting at stuff. Mostly, in fact, Finn enjoyed shooting at me!

The cockpit is made with three clear pieces and fits together really well. There’s a seat and two controls and it’s pretty easy to get Ant-man in and out. There’s even a little space in the back to carry his blaster as you play around the house – or garden!

There are three engines on the back and a thruster on each side that articulates on a ball joint. Initially, I thought they moved too much during play, but actually it’s pretty useful to be able to direct them to assist take off and landing. In one of our games we even hit ghost with them so it’s useful that they turn out as well.


Lego Atman Wasp and Ghost Battle

Overall, the craft is pretty sturdy and we’ve had a lot of fun playing with it. Ant-man always wins even if ghost’s blasters manage to hit him or his craft. There’s a lot of fun to be had with this kit and it’s great to have the three main characters in one set. I’ve also had a lot of fun with the Ant-man character photographing him with bigger objects. He provides a great contrast.

Lego Antman and Wasp Building a Snowman
Antman and Wasp Building a Snowman

This is an affiliate link. If you’ve enjoyed this article, are thinking of getting this set and use this link I will receive a small commission – at no extra cost to you – which will help with the running costs of this site. And I’ll really appreciate your support. So thank you.
